Tag Archives: rafa nadal

Rafael Nadal Forehand: Unit Turn Analysis

10 Jul

The following post was contributed by Luis Duco. Luis is a USPTA and PTR Certified Tennis Instructor and was a national finalist in the USTA National Campus Championships while playing at UCF.

Rafael Nadal has revolutionized the game of tennis with his physical and aggressiveness style of tennis. His forehand has redefined what it means to put spin on the ball and hit angles from all over the tennis court. Nadal’s forehand, his best stroke, is one of the best in the game and it is fundamentally sound from the beginning to end. If you have ever watched him hit multiple forehands in a row, the first thing you will notice is how every forehand looks the exact same.

Nadal has mastered the unit turn, the most fundamental preparation movement when getting ready to hit any stroke, forehand or backhand. The movement begins with a ready stance and shoulders parallel to the net as in the picture.

The next step is turning at the shoulders so that they are perpendicular to the net. The turn should come from the waist and the hands should follow the natural progression. As you can see in the picture below, his eyes remain on the tennis ball the entire time. When you turn the shoulders, you should shift the weight to the outside leg, in this example it is his left leg.

As you can see from the picture above, his hands follow his shoulders and his eyes remain focused on the tennis ball. His shoulders are perpendicular to the net and the baseline and his weight is loaded on the outside leg. His racket is shoulder height, which allows him to adjust to any sudden miss bounces.

This is the fundamental movement in preparing to hit a phenomenal forehand. A great way to practice this is by using a mirror and see if you can do the unit turn the same way ten times in a row. Odds are that if it is your first time, it’ll be pretty tough. Don’t worry keep practicing it in the mirror until it becomes a habit and then you’ll see the major difference on the court.
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To view Nadal’s forehand video please follow this link: http://www.ubersense.com/video/view/R84C5uUm